Songs and Tears of nature
a film by MC & C. Paes

Golden Dove
Dok film festival

German Ministry of Environment Prize
Ökomedia festival

Best film for the survival of Indigenous people
Pärnu International fest

Shot in Lapland and Brazil, this film is about Man’s relationship with Nature, from the indigenous people’s point of view.
Listen to the oral culture of the Saamis from the Arctic and Fulni-ôs from Brazil. Beyond the ice fields, beyond the trees, the climates, the skins, the same intuition : the whole future is in their own hands.

Golden Dove Dok film festival Leipzig

German Ministry of Environment Prize Ökomedia festival Freiburg

Best film for the survival of Indigenous people Pärnu International fest Estonia


"An UFO on the audiovisual scenery. All documentarians run after what Marie-Clémence and Cesar Paes put into practice with art and strength: how to listen o people, how to film them without distorting their words."


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technical info
runing time: 54 minutes
format: 35 mm
ratio: 1:33
year of production: 1992

original languages:
available subtitles:

music: Mari Boine
photography: Cesar Paes
director: MC & C. Paes
producer: Marie-Clemence Paes
production: Laterit productions
co-produced by: RTBF , GSARA and CICV Pierre Schaeffer

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